The Bujinkan (Divine Warrior Hall) is the name of an organization formed by, current grandmaster, Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi to practice teachings of the 9 martial arts styles bestowed to him by the previous grandmaster, Toshitsugu Takamatsu. These nine unbroken lineages are from as far back as 900 years to date. They are of ninja and samurai origins, each specializing in a certain aspect of martial arts respectively. They are:
Gyokkoryu Kosshijutsu (Jewel Tiger School)
Kotoryu Koppojutsu (Knocking down Tiger School)
Togakureryu Ninpo Taijutsu (Hidden Door School)
Gyokushinryu Ninpo (Jewel Heart School)
Kumogakureryu Ninpo (Hiding in the Cloud School)
Shinden Fudoryu Dakentaijutsu (Immovable Heart School)
Gikanryu Koppojutsu (Justice Regard School)
Takagi Yoshinryu Jutaijutsu (High Tree Raised Heart School)
Kukishindenryu Happo Biken (Nine Demon Gods School)
The Hombu (headquarters) is located in Noda City, Chiba prefecture, Japan. Training are taught daily and have schools outside Japan as well.
Our dojo here in Missouri is authorized by the Hombu and all our instructors are licensed to teach and also certified active members of the Bujinkan.